Thursday, November 01, 2007

Fall Y'all Giveaway: $15 Panera Bread GC

Ok, ok...I know that you regular readers are thinking, "Three posts in one day??!!! What's going on?!!" Well, what's going on is three-fold:
1) My in-laws are coming up to visit tomorrow and the house is a mess, so I'm looking for things I can be doing other than clean up. I mean, hey...I've got all morning tomorrow before they get here and a really small house! :) (and their only grandson, so they can't complain too much)
2) Since I haven't posted much lately, there's a lot in my mind that wants to be said and once I get started, I want to get it all out, ya know? And since I require large amounts of inertia to get going on a project, I tend to do lots of one thing all at once instead of a little at a time...especially when there's something else I ought to be doing instead (see #1) :p
3) As part of my procrastination today, I've spent lots of time waiting for my work computer to think about something and update my model. So in that down time, I've been catching up on my "It's Fall Y'all Giveaway" entries...and now feel _REALLY_ guilty that I'm entering to win lots of stuff from everyone else, but have yet to offer anything myself.

So now that I've put off cleaning for yet a few more minutes, let me tell you what you can win, why, and how.

WHAT: $15 Panera Bread Gift Card (I'd post a picture, but have I mentioned that I'm lazy?)
WHY: Well, for reason 3 stated above, but also because Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer is hosting another giveaway carnival like she did over the summer (remember this?). Most people posted their links Monday morning. I waited till Thursday afternoon, so I'm going to be at least giveaway #613! I've made it through #269 myself so far and most close sometime tomorrow so we both need to get cracking!

  • Write a comment to me below. Don't just say "enter me, please." or something similar (although politeness is preferred). You have to tell me what you think that fish think about. If you don't, then your entry won't be counted. I'm serious. Be creative.
  • Make sure you include some way for me to contact you. Obviously, if I know who you are and we email regularly, you don't need to worry about this, but for all of you who are like me and only look at most other blogs on Works-for-me Wednesdays and various Giveaway carnivals, I need some way to contact you. Include your email address in the comment or a link to your blog or blog profile on which I can find an email address for you or can leave you a comment or something.
  • This is open to people in the US and Canada (including APOs). Sorry folks in the rest of the world! It's not worth the $5 to mail you a gift card that I don't know you could use anyway.
  • This is also open to my regular readers which I think primarily are friends and family. Hey, it would be great if I could just hand the card to you rather than having to remember to address an envelope and put it in the mail with a stamp on it and everything. So comment away. Extra points if you know the first person I asked what fish think. (Extra, extra points if you know why.)
  • I'll close the comments after AJ goes to bed on Sunday (usually between 7 and 8 PM, ET - just remember to turn your clocks back - it's the "Witching Hour" this weekend, baby!) and then use a random number generator to pick the winner.
  • If the winner cannot fulfill his/her obligations as the winner, then the runner up will get to be Miss America...or spend $15 of someone else's money at Panera...whatever.

So comment..................................NOW!!!


1 – 200 of 256   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

I'm thinking fish are thinking, "Haven't I been here before??"
Nice giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I have no problem telling you what fish think about. My uncle was a fish so I know exactly. They think about food. And where their next meal will come from. And where to take the husband or wife for lunch on Fridays.

And almost invariably they choose one spot. Panera. Because those gift cards are just so convenient to carry without a purse or a wallet. They fit ever so nicely right in the pocket ... or the gill.

And that ... my friend ... is a big honking fish story.

Anonymous said...

I think fish think about how stupid the men who spend countless hours with those plastic worms trying to catch them...I mean how stupid do they think they are anyways!!!Yep, got a little carried away there...Anyways, Thanks for the chance to win an awesome giftcard!!!

Amy said...

Hmmm... the first-ish to comment? Is that a good thing. First off I am number 287 so be sure to follow my little question too....oh so many people signed up that may or may not realize that they do not qualify to win my ever so special gift! Ok enough of my sopa box. Fish think about things like, "Man if I ever get my fins on that remote so I can stop these &*#*$& idiots from chanel sufing all the time...just when I get all into that Law and Order eppisode they go and change the chanel because of course they saw it already but geez I am a fish so I have only been around for like a week and since I am a gold fish I should only be around another 2 days...I just want to watch something without the stinkin' chanel being changed before I die"
Hmmm.. I am thinking about deleating my rather crazy answer, but nahhhh..... Have fun you late comer you!

Shauna said...

When is that flaky stuff going to come down from above? I think I'll swim over here. And over there. And into this log thing. And behind the castle. Hi, Snail! To the castle we go again. Oh no! Here comes the toddler to TAP TAP TAP on the glass!

M.E. said...

I think fish think they are hungry and where can I find something to eat.
Enter me too, please!

Anonymous said...

"Keep on swimming, swimming, swimming..."
"Eat and die."
"I wonder if people have brains?"
"Do people taste like chicken?"
Okay, is that enough? What a GREAT question!!!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Love Panera!!!

I think fish think,"Eww...that guy with the dirty fingernails is feeding me again. Man, I wish he'd wash his hands before touching my food."

That's a domestic fish's thoughts...


Anonymous said...

Air, more air. Hmmm. Did I mention air? Oh, and water. I like to be wet. Dry is not good for me. And those little flecks of junk that you toss in. Those are good. I'd like me some of those, please. (Insert fishy lips here.) Those taste good! And, if you feed me too many, no worries! I'll just suck 'em up with my fishy lips from the rocks later on!

BTW, please toss us into the fish bowl for the giveaway! Thank you!

artandnature [at] juno dot *com*

Anonymous said...

I think fish think about how huge everything looks from the inside of their fishbowls. Or that humans have no style in the way they walk.

Enter me, please! :-)

Katie said...

Honestly, I don' think fish think much. Bpring answer, I know.

But I love Panera. Really love it. If I could eat there everyday, I would.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

katie at dekabyte dot com

Kena said...

I think fish think about how boring their food is...I mean, they get the same food every day with no variety. Yuck!

Anyway, please enter me into the Panera Card giveway, so I won't have to eat the same boring food everyday like the fish do : )

Hillary said...

I think fish wonder what humans think about. And why humans are always bothering them and staring at them and swimming in their homes. I mean, seriously, fish don't just barge in on our homes!
And I bet fish also wish that they could win a gift card for Panera. Yummy! Thanks!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

They probably wonder how many people they can outsmart by stealing their bait. They probably keep score. :)

Debbie#3 said...

Swim... swim... swim... swim... "Look Kids! Big Ben! Parliament!"... Swim... swim... swim...

Stephanie said...

I used to fish alot with my dad when I was little so I have thought about this alot. We are all about Catch and release, I think it is sad. I have looked into the eyes of a fish when I am getting ready to throw it back into the water and I know he was thinking, "WHy me, just so you can have your fishing kicks...I now have to swim around with a hole in my little body from your stupid hook." Please enter mE!!

Susanne said...

I think that fish often think, "Hey, where'd my buddy go?" But since their brains are quite small, they probably forget about their friend the next second and go about their business looking for food.

Anonymous said...

Swim...swim....swim...How am I going to get out of here? How am I going to get out of here? How am I going to get out of here? Get away from me, get away from me, get away from me! Where is the food? Where is the food? She's late with the food again! Where is the food? Where is the food?


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Did someone already say this? "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming" from Nemo? We have a fish and I think she thinks about a lot of things, like our house is full of crazy people.

Would love to win! Panera is MY FAVORITE!


Sharon Brumfield said...

I guess I would have to say that they are probably not thinking anything. Just like our kids- they have been in "school" all day and their brains are tired.
Sorry-had to go there. ;)

Anonymous said...

Just keep swimming.. just keep swimming.. just keep swimming. That's what I would think they are thinking.

Katie said...

Fish are always thinking about the Question to the Ultimate Answer. Or worms. They find both topics equally compelling.

Tricia said...

Fish think about not getting eaten by a bigger fish for dinner.

Searching For Simplicity said...

Fish are thinking wormy or hook?, to bite or not to bite that is the question!

Mommy said...

LOL! When I think of fish, my old gold fish who lived to be nine years old comes to mind. He just sat there most of the time, so I think he thought if there was more to life than just sitting there in a fish tank! LOL!

mombo said...

"It's not the heat, it's the humidity!" obviously.

And I love the orange scones at Panera!

mombo said...

"It's not the heat, it's the humidity!" obviously.

And I love the orange scones at Panera!

Heather Casey said...

I think it depends on the fish and their living environment. Take my in-law's fish, for example. I think he is wondering why someone doesn't put a roof on his house to keep the cat out. I also think he wonders every day if today will be the day the cat actually eats him. Other free fish are probably thinking about things along the line of "What am I going to eat today?" and "I hope I don't get eaten!"

I would love to win. My hubby and I would probably use it for a lunch date! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Count

If I were a fish, I'd be thinking, "somebody fix that leak!! There's a lot of water in here!"

email is in my profile

Catherine said...

I have had a series of Betta fish, all named Little Bob Dog (long story there). They are ferocious little dudes. I think they spent most of their time plotting to take over the world, and the rest of their time thinking about what color of socks they would wear, if they had socks. If they had feet.

Carrie said...

"I hate being wet."

Unknown said...

I think my fish think that they are just there for looks, and that we that we are horrible people because we don't feed them often enough, LOL.

Anonymous said...

What do fish think about?
Hmmm...I think that fish have a very short term memory and are always thinking the same thing over and over again. They think about eating, they think about swimming, they think about Pooing, they think about all kinds of things, but only for a short time, then they repeat it over and over and over and over...
They probably also think there are other fish in the tank because they can see their reflections in the glass, just like in Nemo! :)

Kristiem10 said...

Well, I'd say they think the algae is always greener on the other side of the sea. :)

kristiem10 at hotmail dot com

Deanne said...

What do fish think?....well, if they are of the Beta variety and see my family coming toward them in the pet store, then they are most likely wishing they were in the back row and that their neighbor would be chosen instead of them. We haven't done well with Beta fish in our house, can you tell?!

Fabulous giveaway and what a neat way to get people to connect!

palmtreefanatic said...

OH WOW please enter me in this fabulous giveaway!
thank you ever so much!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fish are thinking, "Wow, I'd really like a You Pick Two from Panera. That would make my day!"

Liz said...

I think fish are thinking "man my fins are tired, I wish I could hope on the beach and rest awhile". Thanks for your giveaway and the creative postings!

Lori said...

Fish are thinking they want to stay as far away from my middle son as possible, because whenever he puts a line in the water...for some unknown reason they like to jump on it and then they are never seen again. And boy as a fish I would not want that to happen to me. =)))


lillinda said...

Ohh I'm not sure what they think, but my 3 year old granddaughter knows what they say. She says that they say "blub blub blub"!

Jennifer said...

My fish tank sat in the kitchen and I'm sure he thought "Why do they get the real food, and I'm stuck with these flakes" Of course, since he sat on the old microwave he might have thought "How come every time this thing under me starts up I feel supercharged?" Who knows?!?

Sign me up, please!

windycindy said...

Hello, We just got a "Panera's" in our town. Please enter me in your gift card contest. Thanks much~Cindi

Hélène said...

Mmmmm. Look at that juicy worm. Looks perfect for lunch. Oh, wait. I see a shiny spike jutting through it. I would rather be hungry than be dinner.

Thanks for doing this!

Maude Lynn said...

My fish wonder if being named Elvis the NINTH is a bad omen!

kelli (at) pfrog (dot)net

Genevieve P said...

I think fish wonder why the big furry creature sits staring at them all day with her tail twitching.

M the Mommy said...

Everyone knows that fish spend all their time thinking...
Just keep swimming.
Just keep swimming.
And sharks think...
Fish are friends not food.
Fish are friends not food.
And beta fish think...
Swish swish my tale is so pretty.
Swish swish...

Anonymous said...

What goofballs those humans are! All that running around when they could just lounge and have someone feed them and clean their house for them all day...

Please enter me at:
leia18 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Thanks! :)

Kristin said...

My 3.5yr old says our fish thinks about playing basketball! I think he thinks about why he gets fed so sparodically.

Denise said...

"Why am I stuck in this world of blundering water?"



Holly said...

Fish wonder why humans tap on the sides of their bowls and laugh.

Christine said...

My fish, in particular, has got to be thinking, "Why are these goofy looking creatures looking at me? Don't they have any thing better to do?"

My fish, I mean my hubby, loves Panera, so I hope I win!!

Erin said...

Well, my fish thought the water ride called "The Toilet" was really cool! :) Thanks for the chance of winning the gift card!

Tuesday Girl said...

I think they wonder why their poop is so long.

michelle said...

You would think this question would be easy for me. When I used to go ice fishing with my Dad, if I wasn't catching anything, he always used to tell me to "think fish." Between you and me, I think it was just a way to get me to pass the time, but seriously, I remember really trying to concentrate on imagining a fish swimming around, catching sight of my bait, and really liking what was on the end of my hook.

In all honesty, I don't know what fish think, but they must be pretty smart since they spend most of their time in schools. I bet they have half the mysteries of the universe figured out by now, and probably even know where Elvis is. They keep opening their little mouths to try and tell us, but I can never understand them, as I am just terrible at reading fish lips. Can you?

I am so glad you selected a Panera gift card as your prize. It was one of the main prizes I really wanted to win during the last giveaway, and I was disappointed to not see one offered this time. Panera is the best. Hey, wait a minute. I bet that is what fish are thinking..."I wish I could grow legs so I could go and eat at that great sounding restaurant."

I would love to be entered in your drawing! Please...

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Alaina said...

Very awesome giveaway! Panera is one of our favorites!

Okay, what fish think - 2 things: 1) what life would be like above the water and 2) if they're as beautiful as the other fish. :) Doesn't vanity follow all species. :) :)

Lil' Ladybug Designs said...

Fish? They think about big fat worms, of course!

ohAmanda said...

Fish don't think. Except Nemo. He thinks about going faster. And farther. And having more fun.

Trina said...

This sounds maaaah-velous dahling! Put me down . . . Fish think about: Glad I don't live in the south where there is a shortage in water. Fish slang: How's it Floatin?

Short Stop said...

This is completely hilarious!! LOVE that you did it this way!

I think fish think about sharks. At least I would if I were a fish. :)

Thanks for entering me!

Anonymous said...

Fishy Mommy--have a counted them one by one today and where am I going to get all the food we need, you know mom stuff!

That would be a fish thought--or I wonder if I can eat a human?

Thanks for stopping by my blog and Yes you have crammed alot into years!! Thanks for a cool giveaway.

Josie said...

"How come whenever I'm swimming around it's like there's an invisible force field and I can't get to what's out there...."

Donna said...

Fish think about other fish. As they swim by another fish, they think about who is the prettiest, who have the best fins, who is the fastest and who might get eaten by the shark swimming nearby. Fish are quite competitive and often have fishy sporting events and pageants to demonstrate their skills and physique.

Unknown said...

Fish think it's mighty wet in there. Thanks for the giveaway!

Bebemiqui said...

Fish contemplate, "Which came first, the bubble or the sponge?"

Bebemiqui said...

Fish contemplate, "Which came first, the bubble or the sponge?"

Ames said...

All fish wish they were babel fish - just like on Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. They would love to be able to go into ears and translate. Instead, most of them are stuck in the water... :(

Anonymous said...

My daughter says they don't think, they have bubbles on the brain!!
Please enter me. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I just recently found a Panera close to home so this would be the perfect time to try it out and fish think that they hate the fact that they are placed in a tank full of fake scenery, plants and given nasty flakey food, but hopefully I get to try some Panera!

Thanks for the opportunity!!

brandi said...

Fish think about the fact that they poop in the same medium they breathe... circle of life and all that.

Anonymous said...

Where's the dental floss? I've got something stuck in my mouth...

Nise' said...

"How do they breath in that air?" I love Panera...count me in.

Katie B said...

Fish spend their days thinking about the things that humans think about: where will I get my next meal; where will I be "safe" from the bad guys (bigger fish/criminal); and what is the meaning of life...

I Love Panera!

Promises said...

It depends where the fish lives...if it is in a fish bowl in someone's bathroom (my neighbor has one in there), they are wondering why some kids wash their hands while others don't! :)

Anonymous said...

I love Panera!!! It is my get-away when we head to civilization :)

I would guess the fish is saying,
"one man, two man, red man, blue man."


Anonymous said...

I think that fish are wondering if they will ever get any food other than the same old flakes, day after day!


Shannon said...

I love Panera!

Sign me up :)

Doreen said...

Love Panera!! Ohhh please pick me, I want to treat a co-worker to their food because she's done such a wonderful job doing the Teacher's job while she's gone! I think fish think that they're getting tired of the same ol lil bits of food all the time! They want some REAL food~like something yummy & delicious at Panera Bread! :)

The Baker Family said...

You know you spend too much time at Panera when your three year old specifically request an orange scone.

Anyway, I have no idea what fish think about. Maybe they're wondering what we think about.

Anonymous said...

Little fishy: "Mama, are we there yet???"
Mama Fish: "See that hook over there? We're almost there!"

Christy said...

Fish think about what they did in their former lives to come back as fish and not be allowed to carry Coach purses :)

Stephanie said...

Fish are rather mysterious critters. In the tank I imagine they think about how ridiculous it is that people spend so much time watching them. In the sea or a lake, I imagine fish think about surviving.
There's a Panera down the road from my workplace and I'd love to be included in the drawing!

Toiling Ant said...

FIsh think about how sane they are, what with all that Omega-3 oil in their little brains.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway!

charmed said...

Fish are thinking "If those humans knew what I was eating, they wouldn't want to catch me and eat me!"

Please enter me arogers at gmail dot com

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

"Where is all this water coming from?" or I love that line from finding Nemo, "Fish are friends, not food." That's probably what they want to say to every fellow fish and fisherman!

I love Panera! Thanks for your great giveaway!

Mary Craig said...

Great giveaway!

I think they are probably wishing we wouldn't let out children tap on their bowls! "Step away from the bowl..."

Leslie said...

"Look at those ugly things staring in at me behind the glass, I wonder what they are thinking about?"

.. love, love, love Panera! Thanks for the great giveaways.

Geri said...

Count me in!!! Thanks for the contest, I love this!!!

Shawnee said...

I think fish ponder the meaning of life, and dream of marrying a prince one day. =)

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...


Gotcha! Fish wonder what it's like being part of the world outside of their tanks. I had a fish that really wanted to know! Luckily I heard it flopping on the floor, he didn't like the outside world too much.

FBF Rothkopf said...

"Would somebody PLEASE clean the water in this tank? Y'know, I have to eat in here, and there's algae and fish poop and junk that I managed to chip off that sorry-looking deep-sea-diver toy floating all around. Sheesh! And what's with the distorted glass. Are you people really all that shape?"

heather h said...

I'm pretty sure they are wondering how in the world we can breathe without water and why we spend so much time tapping on their bowls. It's loud in there when you tap on the glass! And their poop is so long, I'm sure they'd adore getting on with full day of swimming around unencumbered, but no, they have to glide around with that stringy stuff hanging from their little bodies for hours. Poor things!

Betsy said...

Fish think about what they will eat next!

I love Panera!

Mich said...

how hilarious! I love panera. I think fish all drains lead to the ocean? Can I make it to the kitchen sink to find out?

courtcourt said...

Fish thought of the day:

What is a fish without an "eye"?


(Yeah, it sounds better when it's spoken. It loses something in the translation to the written word...)

Fish thought for tomorrow:
Courtney's baby belly wants some Cinnamon Crunch bagels!!

Anonymous said...

Depends on what sex the fish is...if it a male, he of course is thinking he needs more sex but no more children, but if it is a female fish, she is thinking sure i'll have more sex, only if i can have more children!

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Mmm...Panera. My favorite hang out.

Fish thoughts:

"I really wish I could close my eyes. It is a major pain to not have eyelids. Because just want to shut the world out. But I can't. I'm stuck seeing everything, whether I want to or not."

Anonymous said...

Mmm Panerea ^^

This is what I believe a fish's life is like:
Wake up in the morning, and tidy up the castle. Make sure that shifty eyed mermaid in the corner didn't steel any of the bubbles from the treasure chest. Then they wait around and rearrange their gravel and groom their gills until their giant servant brings them their meal. After breakfast they make small talk with the mermaid. That is until someone taps on the glass and talks to them. Of course they aren't quite sure what's going on at that point so they quickly hide in their castle trying to salvage it from the earth quake they're witnessing. After the trauma ends and they've calmed down they make sure their bubbles are ok, and try to explain to the mermaid that they didn't intend to leave her they actually thought she was right behind them.

And that's my story on what it's like to be a fish which I guess could basically say what they're thinking. I don't believe their very deep creatures... that was almost pun-ish.

Unknown said...

During fishing season, "I wonder what that shiny, pointy thing is...hmmm, looks like there's a yummy worm on the end. You know, I'm kind of hungry, I think I'll eat it!" LOL Please enter me into your drawing, Thanks!

Ann'Re said...

I don't know about other fish, but I do know what our goldfish think Have you ever seen fish beg for good? Ours do. You'd think they were starving. Even if they were just fed, if anyone walks by the tank they all come up to the glass with that "FEED ME" look. Crazy things. lol Yes, I need to get out more and a GC to Panera would definately help. :)

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. I have never been to Panera Bread but hear that it's good. would love to try it!!!!

Mel said...

I just had my first panera visit a couple weeks ago and enjoyed every bite. Pleaes count me in!

~~Deby said... must say..* am I going to be cooked...* which case I would answer...." dumb fish..."....
Does that work for you :-)
Panerra ....Yummmmm
Do you want to come a go with me? I am harmless

Anonymous said...

They're coming to get me! Swim away! [Bonk into side of tank] I know there's got to be some food over here! [Bonk into side of tank] What about up here? [Goes up to the top of water] Oh man, they're after me again! Swim away!

... and such is the life of my very neurotic goldfish.
btealtn at yahoo dot com

Sarah said...

I am thinking that scones at Panera's are really good and would help a pregnancy craving right now...

Mavis said...

i grew up a vegetarian with an irresistible craving for fish and chips. consequently, i was greatly consoled when i heard the nirvana song with the lyrics "it's okay to eat fish, cause they don't have any feelings..."
nope, they don't think at all and don't mind when i eat them. cows on the other hand...

Chelsea said...

Fish are constantly planning their next meal, just like me! (A Panera FINALLY opened up in my town, so I'd love to win this!)

CanCan said...

Maybe they think, like Dory in the Nemo movie: "Just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming swimming....OOO! FLAKES!"

Anonymous said...

I saw the MythBusters episode where Adam & the other guy busted the myth that goldfish only have a 3 second memory. They trained their respective goldfish to navigate mazes similar to the ones researchers make for mice. The goldfish got faster with practice, and did their thing on cue of a colored marker placed in the water. I love MythBusters.

It's funny that you call the time change back an hour the "Witching Hour." Here's what *I* call the Witching Hour: that twilight time zone after preschoolers' nap but before dinner time, when they are tired but shouldn't sleep, they are clingy and want attention, mommy is tired after a long day and is trying to prepare dinner, and it all goes downhill from there until Daddy comes to the rescue, a.k.a. gets home from work.

Thanks for the chance to win the Panera gift certificate! Panera Bread is such a relaxing place to hang out, especially in the fall and winter when they light the fireplace. Let alone how fabulous their food is. :-)

krista said...

i think that fish think about what they are going to eat...when they are going to eat and where they are going to eat. i don't think that swimming takes much thought and they really just eat and swim. right? :)
thanks for the entry. i love panera!

The Robinson Family said...

Fish think, "why are these spooky land creatures staring at me all the time". And, "I wish they would keep their grimey little fingers off the's giving me a headache!"

Yum, Panera...great giveaway! Thanks

Meredith A. said...

A Panera JUST opened up here... I would love to try it (everyone in bloggy world says it is great, but I have never had the pleasure)...

My fish when I was in college had nobody to talk to except the little plastic scuba man... but I bet he said "It is really disgusting in here, but it looks even grosser out there". I wasn't the clean freak that I am now.

Shelly said...

Fish think...I'll be back in just a minute...gulp!

Kacy said...

Very funny. I think fish are thinking, "Man, I wish I could close my eyes!" (because they don't have eyelids, right?? I hope that's right! LoL)

Sarah W. said...

How fun! Count me in

Sonya said...

Great giveaway!

As for the fish, they're just wondering how they can swim around without swallowing the other fishes poo!

Queen of My Domain said...

Well I think you've won for the most creative comments by far. I'd love to go have lunch at Panera.

I think that fish just eat, swim and poop as evidenced by my son's fishbowl. If they really thought that much then the treasure chest wouldn't still be entertaining. I really have no clue what fish think.

striving... said...

Nice thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I would love to entered in your giveaway! I love Panera!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what all fish think, however, the ones in the tank right behind me have to be thinking, "Doesn't that girl have any life?! Why has she been sitting at the computer all night?!"

James & Aimee said...

Panera is so yummy! allforhim_99(@)yahoo(.)com

noreen said...

I think fish think about food and how to stay away from big shadows aka shraks and other fish that want to eat them. :)
Also they probaly sing "Under the sea" from the Little mermaid all of the time :)

Cherie J said...

I think fish are thinking "Man, when's my next meal." :-) Thanks for the contest!

Melissa Markham said...

I think the fish are swimming back and forth, back and forth wondering if that is all there is to there nothing more? And then they spot me with my Panera sandwich in hand and my bowl of creamy broccoli soup and they know there is more, but it is far beyond their reach(mwahahahahaha)!

lace said...

ooooo, panera is good. I would love to enter this.

Awesome Mom said...

What I really wonder is what cats and dogs think about. They see us doing all sorts of odd (to them) things every day. I am sure that they are also wondering why people dress them up in silly costumes.

Jen said...

I know our fish think about when that darn 8 year old human is going to decide to feed them! I don't know what yours think about, though. Can I still be entered in your giveaway? Please? Thank you!

Michelle said...

I think fish are thinking about wow we've got this whole wide underwater world to explore!

Sharon L. Holland said...

Maybe they're thinking, "I'm so glad Panera doesn't make a fish stew."

Tamara said...

The fish (salmon) in Alaska think "Swim, Eat, Spawn, Die" unless they are caught by one of the bizillions of tourist that come up here to fish in the summer and then they think "Oh crap!" :-)

What am I entering for...? I've been so entertained by the previous comments I've forgotten... LOL

mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com

elaine@bloginmyeye said...

"I think I see something sparkly over there...DOH"

Unknown said...

I think that fish think about how they can blow bigger bubbles!

Elizabeth F. said...

I think they just think about FOOD and keeping an eye out for Bigger fish who may eat them! Other than that...not so much. LOL! Enter me please. I love Panera Cinnamon Crunch Bagels. My fave.

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

i think they are thinking "just keep swimming, just keep swimming." :)



Mary said...

I think that fish are wondering what humans thing about!

TexasTanya said...

Can I regift it to my Mother In Law? She LOVES Panera. :)

I don't know much about fish, so I'd have to guess they think about singing in 4 part barbershop harmony... :)

Mary said...

Sorry about the last post - typo - what humans "THINK" about

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I think fish worry about if the water's reflection makes them look fat. :)

Rockin' Mama said...

Yeah for Panera!

Hmm...Don't drown...don't drown

Where I'm going is where I've been

Shark Shark!

Feed me!

Ok...I'm done being a fish! : )

April said...

Since I have never owned a fish I will have to take my knowledge from Nemo "just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming."

Please add me to your drawing and thank you for a chance to win.


Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

Well, if it's the fish I had when I was 9 years old it's thinking, "When is that girl ever gonna change my water? I mean, I eat, sleep, poop, breathe in here, ya know? By the way, when's my food getting here? I see that yellow bottle right there. And yet she just passes it by and I'm hungry! Man, I hate that girl!"

Or so I would imagine.

Love Panera!!

Tara said...

Why do I feel like I'm swimming in circles? or How long is it going to take me to get there?


Emily said...

A Panera Bread Store just opened up here and I've heard great things about it.

What do fish think about??? I'm sure they think about the color and temperature of the water that they're floating around in.


lydia said...

"Food? Food? Why is my mouth always open? How do I keep these gills opening at such metronome-quality intervals?" (or at least those are some things I think about when I look at a fish...)

Eimi said...

"What is with this plastic plant... this is NOTHING like the ocean."


Bowen Family- Ashley said...

Bubbles...Bubbles...Bubbles...aahhh more Bubbles!!

Jenna said...

Clearly, fish are thinking, "Boy, I feel wet. Again." ;)

Shama-Lama Mama said...

I just kept a carnival goldfish alive for all of 4 days. I was told they have a memory of three seconds. Thank god for that! He was probably thinking "she doesn't take very good care of me... where am I again?"

Melissa Neece said...

This is a great idea - I would really enjoy this! I love Panera!

I think fish are usually thinking, Why are all these people staring at me? I think they have a right to be paranoid.

Thanks for the contest!
(Lots of pregnancy and natural living links)


Jan said...

From observing our own fish, I'm pretty sure they don't think about anything but their next meal.

Thanks for the chance to enter!

Lorie said...

Hmm...I think fish are wondering what's the deal with air. How can people breath that stuff?

AngieB said...

I'm sure the all the fish we have ever had just thought "I'm hungy" all the time. We could never remember to feed them. So....we don't have fish anymore. Not fair to the fish.

AngieB said...

I'm sure the all the fish we have ever had just thought "I'm hungy" all the time. We could never remember to feed them. So....we don't have fish anymore. Not fair to the fish.

Anonymous said...

I think they are thinking... why do people throw worms in the water to try and catch me????

Dear Abbi said...

"I wish the FDA would quit issuing recommendations on 'healthy fish consumpion!'" :)

Thanks for offering and I LOVE Panera!!!

Patti said...

I think fish are thinking:

"Man! Seafood again!?!?!?!" ;)

Hehe!! Have a great day!! Hugs!

~Nancy~ said...

We have two tanks of Jack Dempseys. I am the "wet nurse" to the large tank of 100!!! Yep, at least 100 baby fishes! To say my Momma Fish and Mr. Big were "getting busy" is an understatement! My Babies don't say much at all except, "Move! Mine, mine, mine! and FEED ME!! NOW!!"
Oh yeah, I am sure I hear them say "MORE!" at least three times a day.
My grown fishes, Houdini, Nemo, Momma, and Mr. Big, just swim around in their divided fish condos and curse me. (They have to live in a divided tank since they all wanted to chew on Nemo's tail and bully him on the playground. He is as big as they are now so watch out *evil laugh* when I release them into new digs and he kicks some fish butt! Well, maybe not Mr. Big's since he is almost big enough to filet now. Hum, wonder what Jack Dempsey tastes like? (I KID!!!)
As for what fish REALLY think, I am not sure they think anything but they sure make ME think a few thoughts when I am cleaning their scummy tanks and splashing in fish poo!

United Studies said...

..."fishflakes for dinner again???"

Unknown said...

I think fish are thinking...I'm so tired of swimming and water and can't it be a different color than blue all the time.
Please enter me in your contest

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I wonder if fish realize they are swimming and living in the same water that they go to the bathroom in. Are there any germophobic fish that are really grossed out by that? lol Please enter me...I've never had Panera Bread and I'd like to try it. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....If I was a fish I would be thinking "OMG I can't breathe"

Mrs. C said...

Ok...what do fish think? Hmmm. This is hard for me. Why? Because I analyze a lot. So while my right side wants to say something funny or clever my left side is screaming that fish don't think - at least not the way we do. But then again, it depends on how you are defining think...

Right now if there was a fish reading this, he would be telling me that I was thinking this through way too much and I just need to go to Panera and enjoy a bowl of soup!

Thank you for including me in your giveaway.

Pat said...

I think fish think about food constantly...they are always looking for something to bite...worm on a hook, other fish or a human. Thanks for sharing!


Robin M. said...

I believe fish spend most of their free time thinking "I sure hope I'm not the smallest fish here". Thanks!

Rebecca said...

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming. Which way did he go? He passed by not to long ago!

I wonder if fish like panera bread? I know they like wonder ...

scrapnmklady said...

ho-hummmm, are they going to remember to feed me? oh, here comes the kids, maybe they'll look over and - oh, nope, there they go watching the TV... ok, i'll just swim around like I normally do... hope someone remembers to feed me...

Stephanie said...

Please enter me in this great giveaway please. Thank you

Anonymous said...

fish probably think about food and places to hide

Anonymous said...

They think about doing their homework.. since they're in SCHOOL all the time!

CrystalGB said...

Please enter me in the giveaway. Thank you. :)

Sue said...

I bet they're thinking "why don't we ever get a day off from school?"!

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

I think fish are thinking...

"Just keep Swimming..
Just keep Swimming....."

YOu have to say it like they do on Nemo!!

Have a great weekend!

*carrie* said...

Hmmm . . . wracking my brain about what fish think . . .

"something smells fishy around here!"

Funny to read what others wrote!

Christine said...

What fish think about...hmmm...bugs, avoiding children with large rocks, swimming against the current, finding a nice shady spot to do nothing underneath a bridge. Chasing the minnows away, are those bread crumbs on the surface of the water, watch out for tasty bugs - they may be on sharp metal things, daring each other how long they can be out of the water (at least little boy fish), whether or not spring water is overrated.

I don't know - I could meander in my thoughts like this forever, so I'm going to stop. Enjoy. (See what I'll do for a chance at a panera card. :) Thanks

JewelsHud said...

I thought about being super creative but then I just wondered what my son would think about it being a toddler - he thinks fish think about swimming . . . that's pretty funny to me - love simplistic minds! I'd love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!


Tracy said...

Where is my next meal coming from!

tnayar (at) cox (dot) net

~Babychaser~ said...

You crack me up... I may have to visit again! My DH loves Panera, so how could I resist entering. I imagine, since the rocks would cry out praise to God if we didn't, that the fish must be thinking praiseful thoughts to God... you know about the wonder of being able to breath underwater, or the different sizes of bubbles, or the amazing colors that surround them (this last one applies mainly to salt water fish of course!) :)

Thanks for a chance to enter!

Anonymous said...

Hee, hee, cute question. I think they are probably like us moms sometime and wonder WHY CAN'T I EVER GO TO THE BATHROOM ALONE??????? :-D

Anonymous said...

"Swim-swimma-swim-swim-swimma-swimma-swim-hey! A rock! I will taste the rock. Bleh. The rock is not food. Swim-swim-swimma-swimma-swim-swim-hey! A speck! The speck is floating in the murky water. I will taste the speck. Bleh. The speck is not food. Swim-swimma-swim-swim-swimma....."

ann [at] annkroeker [dot] com

Aimee said...

"Can I ever stop moving my tail and fins? I'm exhuasted!" :)

Wouldn't it be fun to really know what they are thinking? Cute question!

T with Honey said...

I'm pretty sure my beta fish used to swim around thinking,
"Where'd he go? Where'd that other fish go?
What's that?
Oh! There he is! Attack!
Wait where'd he go again?
Where is that other fish?
What's that?
Oh! Food! Attack!!"

Repeat as needed for when humans would drop food into his bowl or prop a mirror against it.

Jamie said...

I've never thought about what a fish thinks about.. maybe fish just wonder what we think about. :)

Lissete said...

This is a hard one! I would thin that fish out in the open water are thinking "I wonder if this is food or is it freakin' human bait!" Or, "I really hate this chunky seasick human upchuck but a fish has to eat!"

Then you have the fish tank fish. He's thinking "Man, I have some cushy digs here. I get fed, my tank gets cleaned, I have nice lights goin on in here. Once in a while get to look up someones nostrils when they press their face up against my tank and I can't stand the tapping! So stop it! Oh, while you're taking notes, I prefer to be buried when it's my turn to go, please don't flush me with the poop!"

Rachel said...

Hmm I've had several fish. They think, "Those humans out there really should stop swishing me around the bowl with a wooden spoon. How would they like it if someone stuck a wooden spoon in their house and stirred them up real quick and then stood there laughing. Hmm...someone really should get all this poop out of here. "

Laura S. said...

I think fish think, "what is this water stuff I keep hearing about? I don't get it." Then one day the fish is running away from a shark & in an effort to escape it jumps out of the sea & looks down and says..." i get it!!"

Please enter!

Jenny said...

My fish wonders why sometimes I forget to feed him, laughs at my toddler, and asks for laxatives. He really hates dingleberries. Really.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping that fish aren't thinking of much of anything. Because how boring would it be to be a fish. Although in Little Mermaid they seem to think (and sing) a lot. So, who knows?

Anne said...

haha this was fun to read the comments! I bet fish are thinking "follow the fish in front, follow the fish in front" over and over again. :)

Qtpies7 said...

"I'm hungry. I wonder if I can find some Oh look! A pretty rock!" They only have a 3 second memory you know. Easily distracted. Eating fish is what causes ADD you know. LOL

Shane said...

i think fish are constantly wondering why their poop comes out like thread - is that okay to say here?

Amy said...

I do appreciate all the worms I get, but a steak sure sounds good!

Thank you for entering me in your contest!

Amy, Nathan, Adam & Hannah Shuler said...

I think fish wonder if humans know how silly they look sucking in their cheeks to make fishie faces. Also, I bet fish get the sensation of deja-vu (sp?) everyday when they wake up, as if to say "have I swam here before?"

Heather said...

Hmm...well, I ADORE little mermaid, and thus have always assumed the whole "grass is greener" thing applies to fish not just mermaids, and that fish dwell on wishing they could live on land and dance under the sun!

Katy-Anne Binstead said...

I think fish think of creative ways to fool the people that try to catch them. They try to think of ways to make people like me allergic to them so people won't want to eat them.

Linda SS said...

I went to Hawaii in March and got to snorkle for the 1st time in my 56 years. It was honestly the thrill of a lifetime:) I had no idea that the ocean ground is as beautiful as it is. I'm sure those fish were looking at me and thinking that I look absolutely terrible in a swimsuit. (just like the people on the beach were) But heck, life's too short not to experience everything so I'm so happy I did it!!!

Elaine said...

I don't know what all fish think about, but I'm fairly certain about ours. We have a male beta named Taco. He has two things on his mind...first and mostly, food. He actually follows us, from right to left in his bowl, until we feed him. It's almost like having a puppy. Second and more occasionally he thinks "when is that lady going to clean my tank?!"
Hurray for Panera!

daisy said...

You are funny! Fish think about worms, of course! They wonder why sometimes there are worms dangling in front of them, and sometimes at night when they are totally craving worms, there are none to be found anywhere.

I like to buy worms and just throw them in the water for the fish--no strings attached! Hee hee!

Plus, have you ever tried the artichoke spinach souffle at Panera?? It is to die for! It's making me hungry as I'm typing this. I think I'll go get me some.

Thank you very much.

Kristen said...

Well what a interesting question. I don't know how to answer. I know a lot of people said this already but I think that fish really don't think about much except Food, and to just keep swimming. I know not a very creative answer,but you caught me off guard and I am out of practice thinking like that. Anyway I have heard about Panera being a good place to eat but I haven't been there yet. I would love an excuse to go.

Jenna said...

I think it depends on the type of fish.... I mean I think fish in bowls probably have a very different set of things to think about than fish in the ocean or a river. I think that Betas are thinking "Who's that? What are they doing in my bowl? I'll kill 'em" every time they see their reflection. I think guppies are thinking "Babies... babies... babies... have to make babies until there are too many and then I'll eat the babies." I think goldfish are pretty smitten with themselves and spend a great deal of time thinking about how beautiful they are.... and I think big fish in the ocean are pretty occupied with not being caught in a net and not being eaten by things bigger than themselves.

Of course, that's just a guess.

Anonymous said...

Fish (girl fish, anyway) are for sure thinking, "Does this bowl make my but look big?".

kanddallison at yahoo dot com

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